4 Boys & a Diva
I am a wife, a thankful mom of 4 boys and finally a little girl!! Our life is very full and very crazy!! I thought I would start a blog about life at the White House and the everyday chaos that goes on with our VERY energetic kids:)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Boys & Baseball
John David as "Daddy Warbucks"
John David decided to try out for Annie this year in 4th grade. It was the first school play our school, Don Roberts, ever had and all the kids (and teachers) did an AMAZING job!! I had no idea John David was going to try out for the play. He just came home one day from school and told me he tried out and that he was Daddy Warbucks!! WHAT?? That is great! I was so proud of him, but wait - baseball?? John David, you might have a baseball game that night. How are we going to do play practices and baseball games & practices for 4 boys. We did it and John David memorized all his lines all on his own and we didn't have a baseball game on the night of the performance!! He did such a great job and I am so proud that he just wants to be involved in every kind of activity, weather in sports or in the arts:)
At the end of the play, with all the cast singing, "Your never fully dressed without a SMILE!" Look at my cute little boys smile. So proud of him:)
Crazy & Fun Mollie!!!
First of all, so sorry it has taken me so long to update exciting happenings in my family. I have been crazy busy and this Blog tends to just fall on the back burner. Now that it is finally summer, hopefully I will be better about writing:)
Today as I was getting milk for Mollie Kate (because she asked me for some), and then she never drank a sip of it. So, I decided to put the milk back in the refrigerator so it would stay good until she decided she was thirsty again - you would do that too, right? Then out of no where, with her "pappie" in her mouth she looked at me and said,
"What the heck?" Ummm, excuse me? I couldn't believe that came out of my little girls mouth! But then I realized - wow! you have been around Walker waay too much!! That is all Walker says these days and Mollie Kate thinks Walker hung the moon!!! (can I say that is an understatement)? Another "word" Mollie Kate is real into saying is to call someone a "meanie". Once again, getting that from big brother, Walker. With 4 big brothers, NO TELLIN' what word will come out of my sweet precious baby:)
Monday, February 21, 2011
My Tender Heated Zachy
This weekend sought all of those to be true. You see, Zac is talented in so many ways. He loves to play sports, he is smart, he loves to go hunting and use all his knives, he loves to play piano and pretend to play the drums all over the house (LOVE THAT) and has SUCH a tender heart for the Lord and also for those less fortunate than himself. He loves us, his brothers and his baby sister (in the pic at the top, please excuse her hanous smile)! The list could go on and on. Zac is our little energizer and he is so much fun to be around and we laugh at him all the time. On Saturday after Zacs basketball game we came home and the boys played outside all afternoon because it was so pretty. I was inside cleaning the house when Cooper and Zac came in saying they just killed a mouse!!
Ummm, excuse me? I cannot stand anything squishy!! Well, like I said you never know with Zac, next thing I know he is walking in my house with that nasty, smelly and DEAD mouse still with it's head caught in a mouse trap. OH MY GOSH, are you kidding me?? I mean, I grew up in a house full of girls and the thought of even thinking of a mouse made me want to throw up. But now I have a son bringing in a dead mouse caught in a mouse trap. Seriously, do boys even think? Oh my and I have 4 of them!!! (please if you are ever short on prayer request, maybe just say a short prayer for me):)
"Get that hanous thing outside and wash your hands with like clorox", I said. Well, next thing I see is Zac outside disecting the mouse with one of his favorite knives!! WOW- I thought it couldn't get any worse. Anyway, he started telling me what all was coming out of that creature and I just got a trash bag and threw the thing away. I was so grossed out, to say the least. A couple hours later, I was soo mad I didn't take a picture of Zac with his new pet so I could post the pic - oh well.
Another thing I want to mention about Zac is his tender heart for the Lord and for those less fortunate. Zac has always been such a friend to all special needs kids who are his same age. It is so special to watch. We also adopted a little girl from Uganda, Bridgette. We are paying for her clothes and schooling and Zac has her picture still to this day on his desk at school. Zac was mad at David and I when he realized that we really weren't "adopting" Bridgette. David also takes our boys on a special trip when they turn 10 and Zac has already told David that he wants to go to Uganda! Precious, but we have talked him out of that one and now he has opted for something waaay better, to go to Sparkman, Arkansas and go hunting and sleep in a tent (David CANNOT wait):) Anyway, we just got Zac a new Bible and he wants to read it all the time and underline different scriptures. This past Sunday he wanted to go to church with us. So we said , "ok." Anyway, it was a wonderful message on the Tabernacle. At the end of the sermon, our preacher, Mark Henry, was talking about forgiveness and if there is anything that we need to ask forgiveness to God for and if we do, just to write it down on a piece of paper and to come lay it down at the foot of the cross. As the lights dimmed and music played and the cross was being carried down the isle to the front of the church, I leaned over to see Zac literally BAWLING!! Oh my goodness, tears immediately started streaming down my face. He was so touched with what was going on in church. David and I turned to each other and was like "he GETS IT!!" Next thing we knew he was writing down a prayer of forgiveness and he went up to the front of church with us and laid it at the cross. David and I will NEVER forget that moment as long as we live. It was so special. Later, I asked him what he wrote down and he said,
"for God to forgive me when I made fun of my brother the other night for being scared of the dark." So sweet that he thought of that instance and I just love his little heart!! By the way, the brother that he was making fun of was his older brother, ha, but we will just keep that between us chickens:)
I feel so blessed to be Zachary Rees Whites mom and I will always wear it proudly (unless I get a call from the school principal, other parents or better yet, the police). No telling what is headed our way with 4 boys and a Diva, but I can say I wouldn't have it any other way:)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Worst Night EVER!!!!!!
We went outside in the back and front yard calling her name. Came back inside and our calling became louder and louder by the second. Belle, Belle!!! We went in all our kids bedrooms to check under the beds and in the rooms to see if Belle was hiding out. We sure didn't want to have all this craziness happen and then only to realize, it was in one of our kids beds - How Crazy!!!
You see, David and I are not the biggest dog lovers. It was a stretch getting this dog for our kids for Christmas. We felt like we needed to go ahead and get the kids a dog because they have practically been mad at us for the past 3 years. We got the boys a Lab about 3 Christmas' ago and within the month, we gave her away!! Literally, I had 4 boys 5 and under and I had just found out I was pregnant. Having that crazy, psycho dog in our home, literally made me become a different person!! I was SATAN!!! So, off Remi went!! So literally for the past 3 years, every time we saw an old picture of our dog or a lab on TV, etc. our boys would start to cry! SWEET - we are the Worst parents EVER!! Oh well, we were fine with that title:)
Ok, so now to Valentines night and all of a sudden cannot find the dog that the boys are IN LOVE WITH and their cherished Christmas present. Tears started rolling down my face, literally Belle was NO WHERE in SIGHT!! What were we going to do. We were desperate! I was in the front yard looking when all of a sudden, I hear David whistling and talking. I go to the backyard, and he is whistling at our neighbors behind us!! Oh my crazy. He saw them cleaning up in the kitchen at 10:30 and is whistling sooo loud. They come to the back door (thinking this may be the first interaction with them - ugh, that is so bad) and David asks them if Belle is in their back yard and told them we had lost our dog. Next thing we know, our neighbor is in his car looking for our dog at 10:45, we have got to have them over for dinner!!
It's now 11:00 and my face is about to BLOW UP because I have been crying so much and am so sad that Belle is lost (because David and I really do Love her and sad because my boys are going to be devastated). Next thing I know David is coming in the house like a man on a mission. While he was out calling for Belle a few streets over, David heard a voice. This voice said "Belles in the woods"! OMG, David said it was one of the scariest things ever. David said, do you have our dog? Silence for about 5 minutes. Then all of a sudden "In the Woods, Belles in the Woods". David is with Kris Saint in her car at this point, another friend who
we love so much. She was also helping us look for our dog:) I told Kris to NOT let David out of her car! Meanwhile, this is SCARY and it is literally in our nice neighborhood. So now, our minds had gone way off the deep end, thinking our dog was dead and that this psycho had killed her. Anyway, it is now 12:30 and David is still somewhat interacting with this crazy person. In the meantime, still no sign of Belle. When David got home and told me everything, I said I'm calling the police. So I did! David met the police, no sign of dog or psycho man.
Well, it is 1am and still no sign of Belle. We decided to do another check in our kids rooms just to make sure before we called it a night. We even woke Zac and John David up to tell them we loved them but no trace of Belle. I had already told David we were going to have to go get another dog and what our strategy was the next day on how we were going to tell the boys.
My face was so swollen from all the tears and now I'm scared to go to sleep because of psycho man in the woods just a street over. Ugh!!! We prayed for a miracle that night as tears continued to roll down my face, and then I had the worst nightmares ever that night because of all the psychoness and police and guns, etc... That next morning I could not get out of bed because I had the worst migraine ever!!! I asked David if there had been any sign of Belle this morning and he said no. Not 2 seconds later, David walked in with Belle!!! Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe it!! Belle, where had she been? She was licking me all over my face and I didn't even care and I even let her on my pillow!! I was so excited to see our little fluff ball! David, where did you find her? IN ZACS BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!! Belle had never slept with our boys because she was potty training and we went in our boys room probably 3 different times and even woke Zac up and no sign of that crazy dog!!! Oh well, that is life at the White House and I'm sure more is to come!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Getting Ready for the SNOW!!!!!

Cooper and Mollie Kate are getting ready for the big SNOW!! Mollie Kate has just discovered the world of pockets so she goes everywhere with her hands in her pockets! Precious:) Also, I told myself I would NEVER let a baby have their passie (or how Mollie Kate says it, her "pappie")past 1. Well never say never, she is my last and I know she won't go to kindergarten with her pappie in her mouth (at least I hope not)! AND it is kinda nice to not hear such HIGH PITCH SCREAMING most of the day. Now I keep a pappie in almost everyone of my pockets and there are days that I cannot find that pappie quick enough to jab in her mouth to keep her quiet!
Friday, February 4, 2011
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